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5 Simple Tips to Improve Your Car Detailing

Car detailing companies also covers engine detailing and refresh detail. Did you know that, apart from a house and the expense of raising children, an automotive is the most expensive item the vast majority of us will ever buy? Why then do we find it acceptable to neglect these expensive purchases? C’mon folks, let’s get out there in the sunshine and give our cars a good cleaning! They love it, I know they do.

I used to run a pickup and delivery car wash business, and I quickly realized the importance of the following five tips that I’m going to share with you. Some may sound simple, but you’d amazed at how many of my friends and neighbors I see washing their cars the hard way.

I’m going to assume that everyone knows to spray your car down with water thoroughly before employing these steps. It dislodges the loose dirt and dust that would otherwise be swirled around with your mitt, and it also effectively cools the surface temperature of your car a bit before washing, which makes cleaning easier.

#1 – Clean the Tires First.

I never condone the use of harsh chemicals on a vehicle’s paint, but on tires and rims it’s generally a good way to go, simply for the time savings and the effectiveness of most cleaners (email me or visit my website for recommendations). I use a soft bristle brush and an old wash mitt. Do NOT use the same water that you’re going to use to wash the car, since the brake dust and road tar that your rims accumulate, not to mention those harsh chemicals that you used to clean them, are not good for your paint at all.

#2 – Repeat After Me:

We wash the car from the TOP down! This is a simple tip, but most folks tend to forget it, instead just dunking their mitt in the water and slapping it up on the nearest body panel. Why does it matter? Not only does gravity dictate that dirt and water always run to ground, but you actually end up saving a lot of time, soapy water, and rinse water when you start at the top. Try it and you’ll agree. I also find that it ensures a more thorough and consistent cleaning.

#3 – Don’t use old bath towels to dry off your car.

I know it’s easy to do it that way, but those towels actually aren’t soft enough to keep from putting minuscule scratches into your paint. You won’t notice it right away, but try drying the same car with crusty bath towels for a couple years, and you’ll definitely notice a duller paint finish. But don’t throw those towels away! Use them to dry your windows, rubber trim, door jambs, wheels and tires, really anything but the paint. What do you dry the rest of your car with? A chamois. I’ll always prefer the genuine sheepskin chamois, but there are some competitive synthetic ones out there.

#4 – Cost Saving tip here:

Save your old newspapers for cleaning your car windows! You still need to use Windex of course, but old newspapers are essentially free and they actually do a MUCH better job of cleaning your windows, with drastically less lint than paper towels. Also, a wad of newspaper goes a lot longer before needing to be replaced. At the car wash where I ran my business, we used to dig the newspapers out of the trash cans. Free! Just grab a full page, crumple it up into a large wad, and off you go. For some reason, the color pages don’t work as well, so try to use the black and white pages. Seriously, if you’ve never tried this then you’ll thank me.

#5 – Use a damp rag on your dashboard and interior trim before applying the vinyl detailer (Armor All or similar).

When you spray your dash, your seats, the door panels, and everywhere else with detailer without first wiping it down, all that dust and grime just gets spread around, not really removed. This step is also free, and will save you money in Armor All as well. Take a clean rag, dampen it with water, and quickly wipe everything down. Take a peak at your rag. See? Afterwards apply your vinyl detailer SPARINGLY. Now that’s a nice looking interior.

We spend so much money on our cars, and so much time in them, folks. I for one am glad to spend so much time in mine. Without my car I’m . . . well I’m a guy who’s looking for his car. Let’s send the right message about ourselves by keeping our cars in great shape!

Chad Hervig, an avid writer and professional in the investments brokerage industry, is a 20 year veteran of the automotive racing, tuning, and car care scene.

Hervighaus MotorsportsAdvancing the cause of car guys everywhere

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Categories Car

For Ultimate Car Paint Protection, Choose Supagard

We all want the perfect thoroughly clean car that looks brand new even with it is years old, cleaning your car is not enough you need a reliable paint protection. Even if you dont mind dedicating hours of time to clean your car, good quality shampoo, wax and polish can be extremely costly. Certain car polishes can also damage your cars paintwork, as they contain toxic chemicals which can remove the paint. For protecting your cars paintwork and keeping it effortlessly clean, Supagard products are by far the best option. The Supagard protection range includes a wide range of products for protecting and keeping your car clean inside and out. Supagard sealants work by applying a high tech microfilm, sealing the finish against the cars elements, preventing the paintwork from fading.

This allows the paintwork to retain its original look even during harsh weather conditions and will also enable your car to maintain its value. With the high costs and time consuming tasks involved with car cleaning, many people simply put up with their car being dirty during the winter months of each year. However, leaving your car dirty can drastically damage the paintwork, which will reduce the cars value when you come to sell it. After you apply your Supagard sealant, your car will be far easier to clean and the high gloss finish will still remain for months on end, eliminating the hours of time that can be spent on waxing.

Supagard is fast becoming the UKs bestselling car paint protection treatment. The products are specially designed to protect your cars paint work, alloy wheels, upholstery, fabric and carpets. They have been specifically developed to withstand harsh environmental and climatic conditions, meaning your car will stay squeaky clean even when driving through mud and dirt during the winter. Whatever your cars make and model Supagard has the ability to keep all cars shining. Many people are unaware that the sun can actually damage your cars paintwork. Unless your car is safely tucked away in a garage or indoor car park, UV radiation will eventually fade your cars paintwork, dramatically reducing its high quality appearance and value.

Sealants such as Supagard have a hard wearing plastic coating which blocks out harmful UV radiation that can bleach your car, fading the colouring on the cars body. Pollutants and other chemicals such as road salts, also contribute in the fading of your cars colour. Bird droppings and certain insects can also damage the paintwork. Even a car that is well looked after will eventually fade in colour, therefore Supagard really is the best solution for prolonging your cars brand new look and protecting the paintwork. It is a misconception that pristine, shiny looking cars only belong to retired males who spend hours of their time waxing and polishing their pride and joy Jaguar or Mercedes.

However, more and more people are opting for sealants in order to protecting their cars paintwork and retain its value. Theres no doubt about it, cars are not cheap to buy or look after. They also lose their value very quickly, which is why you should do everything you can to keep your car in fine condition. Years ago people would change their cars quite frequently as they were only designed to last a few years. However, nowadays cars are built to last much longer and garages have the facilities and resources to fix virtually any mechanical problem, therefore when buying a used car many people will just look for high quality cosmetic features. Look after your car and feel proud to drive it with Supagard protection products.

Categories Car

Car Selling Preps

Leather protector won’t safeguard your items from all signs of wear-and-tear — abrasions, creases, and scuff marks are somewhat unavoidable. Are you trying to sell your car? Is it ‘not’ in mint condition? Do you want to get good money for it? If you are thinking of how you can gain the highest profit, then by following the simple advice listed below, you will be able to gain a lot more than you expected. Here is what you need to do:

Golden Car Selling Advice

There is a technique to everything, even selling a used runabout. The first and foremost thing you need to do is auto detailing. By bringing your used motor in shape, you can easily acquire top dollars. To make your car look new, use these tips:

Wash, Polish and Wax

These three steps will make the exterior of your runabout look brand new. Start by using pre-cleaners. These solutions remove all the stubborn stains and debris from your car and prepare it for the final wash. There are dozens of products available in the market, so choose with care. Once you have used the pre-cleaners, get a good car shampoo and thoroughly scrub away. Make sure that you use a mild shampoo, otherwise too much acidity or alkalinity will damage the paint.

Once your runabout has dried, apply car polish. This will not only clean, but also condition and improve the condition of paint on the motor. If you have a high quality product, you won’t need to scrub too hard to see amazing results.

After runabout polish, use Car Wax. This is used to seal the polish in place, saving the exterior of the car from harsh pollutants in the air. It will also help the paint last longer.

Glass Care

The windshield and back glass should also be rigorously cleaned. If they are glossy, they will captivate your customers. Buy a Windshield Washer Fluid and watch the glass shine. Make sure the product is free of ammonia and methanol as these chemicals are environmentally hazardous.

Interior Care

The maintenance of the inside is just as important as the outside of your used car. The more sturdy and clean it is, the more dollars it will attract. Use a good quality car leather cleaner for the seat covers, as it will make the leather shine. It will also remove any unpleasant odors from your car.

Don’t forget the air conditioners. One of the top reasons for their poor performance is the presence of debris, mold and mildew in the vents. Clean them with an excellent air conditioner cleaner and then check their working. You will be pleasantly surprised by the cool blast that the air conditioner issues.

Summing Up

Once you have cleaned your car, it is bound to attract lots of potential customers. Let them have a test drive to know that your car is in good working condition. It builds a level of trust and allows the customer to offer you more money. Adding some extra touches like adding a car perfume with the car sale also pleases the buyer and opens doors for further negotiations.

Categories Car